The animation tells the story about a little boy who meet a fox in a rainy day. The fox wants to collect water from the city, so little boy helps the fox with his plight and accidentally he found another world where is the little fox come from. -Official Selection. ANNECY international Festival, France 2013 -Official Selection. ICCI ‐ BAF, India 2013 -Official Selection. 10th Annual Children’s Film Festival Seattle 2014 - Screening. Chinese Animation Film Festival-CDCC Paris, 2014 - Screening. Festival Grandeur Nature, France 2014 - Screening. Nord-pas-de-Calais region and Belgium , France 2014 -Screening. PLAY Lisbon's Children and Youth Film Festival, Portugal 2013 -Screening. Cinema Planeta International Environmental Film Festival, Mexico 2013 -Screening. ‘Shortlifting’ Hong Kong Arts Centre and Animation Screening Program 2013 -Best Screenplay. 7th Aniwow Animation Festival, China 2013 -Production Design Award. Animation Academy Awards, China 2013
March 2020