"A truly independent animated film here from animator Doug Wilson." - Johnie Lewis Tidwell Jr. @indieanimator [Support the indie animator movement by liking, sharing, tweeting it!] Description from youtube channel bandofonefilms:
The film follows the exploits of Jack Astro who is traversing the Galaxy claiming planets for "The Federation" with his trusty flags. Jack finds that some planets and their inhabitants are easier claimed than others. The 3 minute 2d animated film weaves between moments of quiet comedy and blistering action packed fun and beneath the cartoon mayhem you will find a simple story of environmentalism. Follow us: www.dougwilson.co.uk www.youtube.com/bandofonefilms www.facebook.com/bandofoneart Twitter: @dougwilson83 Sound Credits: •S: guitar slide.wav by nicolasdrweski | License: Attribution •S: Slide e-g.wav by Kyster | License: Attribution •S: balloon_fun_1.wav by reinsamba | License: Attribution •S: Strange Synth Squelch by primeval_polypod | License: Attribution •S: Bench Creak 2.wav by tbhicba | License: Attribution •S: button_clicks.wav by plingativator | License: Attribution •S: Magpie_WingsFlapping.wav by digifishmusic | License: Attribution •S: Wing Flaps.wav by promete | License: Attribution Noncommercial •S: malexmedia_snorting_beast.wav by malexmedia | License: Attribution •S: Creature-Beast-Retch.wav by SkinnySoundGuy | License: Attribution •S: 01614 heavy gasping air.wav by Robinhood76 | License: Attribution Noncommercial •S: Pain Gasp by thecluegeek | License: Attribution •S: Water Gurgle #1 by Eddiexander | License: Attribution •S: Water pouring 6.wav by Quistard | License: Attribution •S: mouse click.wav by THE_bizniss | License: Attribution •S: asianbeatz-riff-1.ogg by amby26 | License: Sampling+ •S: JacobsLadderSingle2.flac by Halleck | License: Attribution •S: Running on pebble beach.wav by NLM | License: Attribution Noncommercial •S: ALIEN SHIP IDLE.wav by Ch0cchi | License: Attribution •S: Explosion and Rubble/Debris by CkSned | License: Attribution •S: building_collapse02_close.wav by onteca | License: Attribution •S: Explosion.wav by steveygos93 | License: Attribution •S: NoiseSweep ESI4000turbo.wav by zeuss | License: Sampling+ •S: 200 pounds stepping on a glass object.aif by Tomlija | License: Attribution •S: pman8.wav by flatfly | License: Attribution Noncommercial •S: 35_huh_ho_wa_hu.aif by Greencouch | License: Attribution •S: Rocket Launch by primeval_polypod | License: Attribution •S: jetbike flypast.aif by tigersound | License: Attribution Noncommercial •S: Sci-fi Hyperacceleration 1 by vartioh | License: Attribution •S: Power Up.wav by StudioCopsey | License: Sampling+ •S: 8-bit Jump.aif by timgormly | License: Attribution •S: c64.wav by Vicces1212 | License: Attribution •S: remix of 99567__ShnitzelKiller__Cammipple__#2.mp3 by Timbre | License: Attribution Noncommercial •S: jaw_harp2.mp3 by 3bagbrew | License: Attribution •S: crash1_reverse.wav by Halleck | License: Attribution •S: whip.mp3 by morgantj | License: Attribution •S: metal door close.wav by Tomlija | License: Attribution •S: cf_FX_plopp_02.mp3 by cfork | License: Attribution •S: pipe9.wav by schademans | License: Attribution •S: 11 footsteps on the gravel.aif by Tomlija | License: Attribution •S: beepbeep.wav by leviclaassen | License: Attribution •S: tomas 2.wav by patchen | License: Attribution •S: analog_noise_arped_radio_static.wav by medialint | License: Sampling+ •S: 90 bpm ATTACK LOOP 3 drums mixdown mastered 16 bit.wav by Jovica | License: Attribution •S: sonokids-omni_17.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: ambienta-soundtrack_moog-sweep_pt01-up.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: MemoryMoon_wet-spaceship-loop.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: cracklebox- clicking.wav by tombola | License: Sampling+ •S: lowbit-robotha_iLLCommunications_suonho.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: articradio_iLLCommunications_suonho.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: futuretrocomputing_08_suonho.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: cracklebox- crunch then ping down.wav by tombola | License: Sampling+ •S: cracklebox- odd doppler.wav by tombola | License: Sampling+ •S: MCGameSound.wav by AMPUL | License: Sampling+ •S: Tape Rewind.wav by Analog Bleep Ten | License: Sampling+ •S: MemoryMoon_space-blaster-plays.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: PolysixSlowingLaser2.wav by JimPurbrick | License: Attribution •S: MemoryMoon_cyborga.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: MemoryMoon_shining-organ_grab-filtha.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: MemoryMoon_pad-luminize.wav by suonho | License: Attribution •S: 04646 deploying whizz whoosh.wav by Robinhood76 | License: Attribution Noncommercial •S: footsteps low shoes by Yuval | License: Attribution |
March 2020